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  • The difference between ABS and HIPS
    The difference between ABS and HIPS
    ABS and HIPS are using for Paper towel dispenser ,Jumbo toilet paper dispenser,Table tissue box ,Small roll paper dispenser , Automatic air freshener And Liquid soap dispenser .What is the different between ABS and HIPS ?
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  • China Holidays & Festivals
    [Company news] China Holidays & Festivals
    Nowadays "Made in China" has become a symbol for many products, such as trash can , rack , trolley , Q manager ,paper dispenser . China is called the world's factory, so I would like to share some holiday and festival in China, hope it's helpful for your business and communication with Chinese people.
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  • The water-soluble color lead and the crayon are the same
    [Company news] The water-soluble color lead and the crayon are the same
    The water-soluble color lead and crayon both definitely are dissimilar, strict speaks the water-soluble color lead is crayon's one kind.
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